SweepCam Lensless Cameras Lensless cameras, while extremely useful for imaging in constrained scenarios, struggle with resolving scenes with large depth variations. To resolve this, we propose imaging with a set of mask patterns displayed on a programmable mask, and...
3PointTM Transmission Matrix A transmission matrix (TM) describes the linear relationship between input and output phasor fields when a coherent wave passes through a scattering medium. Measurement of the TM enables numerous applications, but is challenging and...
Virtual ultrasonic optical waveguides a tradeoff between depth of penetration and spatial resolution Conventional optical lenses have been used to focus light from outside without disturbing the medium. The focused spot size is proportional to the focal distance in a...
DeepDOF Intra-operative histopathology Microscopic evaluation of resected tissue plays a central role in the surgical management of cancer. Because optical microscopes have a limited depth-of-field (DOF), resected tissue is either frozen or preserved with chemical...
Path Tracing Estimators for Refractive Radiative Transfer Rendering radiative transfer Rendering radiative transfer through media with a heterogeneous refractive index is challenging because the continuous refractive index variations result in light traveling along...